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O Pioneiro - Kayak-tours on the Mondego

Every day, between Penacova and Coimbra

The most recent pictures of the kayak-trips

For more pictures, visit our facebook-page!


The most recent pictures of the kayak-trips

For more pictures, visit our facebook-page!

The original pictures can be ordered at for an extra cost of 5€/picture.

Lic. Min. do Ambiente - N° 951/06
Lic. Dir. Geral de Turismo - Alv. N° 25/2002

© 2015 by JVV

Rua da Calçada nº 21 (sede)

3360-184 Cheira Penacova

Tel: 239 478 385 (custo chamada fixa)

Movel: 91 476 79 22 (custo chamado movel nacional)

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A descida mondego em canoa, as descidas do mondego, a descida no mondego é recomendada pelo Rick Steves
Kayaking on the mondego is recommended by Lonely-Planet Guides
Kayak-trips and descents by kayak on the river mondego, recomended by Rough  Guides and tripadvisor

Recommended by:

O Pioneiro do Mondego - Descidas de rio em Canoa e Kayak - Todos os dias


Seus detalhes foram enviados com sucesso!

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